Top 10 Investors of All Time
Some investors are confident they can preside over a losing position without fear. These great money managers have never lost more than what was invested. They often made up for it by generating profits on other investments or pulling from personal wealth accumulated throughout time. Here is a list of the top 10 investors of all time in terms of net worth, funds and country.
1. John Templeton
John Templeton was among the world’s greatest investors. He is credited with helping to grow the mutual fund industry, and his investment philosophy has helped countless investors achieve success. Templeton’s investment philosophy is based on value investing. He believed that the market often undervalued stocks and that patient investors could find bargains if willing to look for them. Templeton was a man who had faith in the power of negotiation and finding deals that other people overlooked. He would search out companies globally when nobody else had their eyes on them, which is why he maintained strict control over all his investments from abroad.
Net Worth: $1 to 5 Billion approx. Fund Name: Templeton Funds Country: UK and US
2. Warren Buffet
Warren Buffet is widely regarded as the most successful investor in America, with an estimated net worth of more than $50 billion. He started his career by working at previous low-paying jobs, earning around $12k per year before acquiring larger investments through partnerships that have grown tremendously over time. Being the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, he was ranked as the world’s wealthiest person in 2008. Buffett has been described as one of the most influential people in the world by Times magazine, and he was ranked number two in their list of ‘Most Powerful People’ in 2013.
Net Worth: $95 billion Fund Name: Berkshire Hathaway Country: US
3. Philip Fisher
Philip Fisher is among the world’s top investors. He created his own investment firm, Fisher & Company, in 1931. He managed it until 1999 when he was 91. Fisher retired as one of our most successful investors with an excellent track record for decades. Fisher is also a growth investor, which means he looks for rapidly growing companies with strong fundamentals. Fisher’s investment philosophy is based on three principles: 1) buy stocks in great businesses, 2) pay attention to management, and 3) take a long-term view.
Net Worth: $1 to $5 million approx. Fund Name: Fisher & Company Country: US
4. Bill Gross
Bill Gross is a legend. His ability to see beyond the curve and invest in things that others don’t or won’t believe will happen has made him one of America’s most successful investors, with over $600 billion under management for PIMCO. He founded this company back when it only had 30 employees. Bill is considered one of the top 10 investors of all time with a net worth of over $1 billion. He is the founder and CEO of the bond investment firm PIMCO and is considered one of the most influential figures in the world of finance. Gross has been a vocal critic of the US government’s fiscal policy in recent years and has warned that the country is heading for an economic crisis.
Net Worth: $1.6 billion Fund Name: PIMCO Total Return Fund Country: US
5. Julian Robertson
Julian Robertson is one of the most famous investors ever, not just for creating a successful hedge fund but also because he left it behind in 2000 and has been involved with coaching younger funds since then. He’s well known as ‘the father’ or even called by some people ‘Wizard’ when talking about Wall Street during this time. So, don’t be surprised if you hear his name come up now and again.
Net Worth: $4.8 billion Fund Name: Tiger Management Country: US
6. Carl Icahn
History has shown that things happen quickly and with surprising efficiency when Icahn takes charge. He’s been able to turn around struggling companies by installing new leadership that suits him better, which is something we can all learn from. While there are many different ways to measure an individual’s success in investing, one metric often used is returns. The financial world is a competitive one. Carl Icahn has managed to carve out his own niche as an investor and still maintained relationships with other high-profile figures in the business, such as Warren Buffett or David Einhorn. He is perhaps best known for his role in the hostile takeover of Trans World Airlines in 1985. In recent years, Icahn has shifted his focus from takeovers to investing in public companies. He is currently one of the largest shareholders of Apple Inc.
Net Worth: $17 billion to $24 billion approx. Fund Name: Icahn Enterprises Country: US
7. Benjamin Graham
Benjamin Graham is considered one of the top 10 investors of all time. He is known for his work in value investing and for his influential book ‘The Intelligent Investor’. Graham was born in London, England. He moved to the United States as a young man and became a citizen there. Graham’s investment philosophy is based on finding ‘undervalued’ stocks – stocks that are trading for less than their intrinsic value. This approach has helped him to achieve remarkable investment results over the years. In 1949, Graham published ‘The Intelligent Investor’, which has become a classic in investing. In it, he outlined his investment philosophy and approach. Graham’s ideas have had a profound impact on the world of investing. His philosophical approach to investing has been influential in the fortunes of many successful businesspeople.
Net Worth: $1 to $5 million approx. Fund Name: GEICO Country: US
8. Stanley Druckenmiller
When people think of legendary investors, chances are that Stanley Druckenmiller does not come to mind first. After all, there are more well-known investor figures than him in the finance world, like Warren Buffet and George Soros. It’s not just his investments that have made Stanley Druckenmiller a financial legend. He has also outperformed many of the more well-known traders in history, using unusual tactics to provide returns at all times – even when it is doubtfully profitable or safe.
Net Worth: $10 billion Fund Name: Duquesne Capital Country: US
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9. George Soros
George Soros is a world-renowned investor, philanthropist, and political activist. Born in Hungary in 1930, he immigrated to the United Kingdom in 1947. Soros established his fund management company in America, becoming a citizen and businessman extraordinaire. He is among the top 10 investors of all time. He is also the founder of the Open Society Foundations, a network of partners, foundations, projects, and programs that support democracy and human rights worldwide. Forbes magazine has ranked Soros as one of the world’s top 10 investors. He has also been named Time magazine’s 100 most influential people worldwide. In 2018, Soros was ranked as the world’s 29th richest person by Forbes magazine, with a net worth of $8 billion.
Net Worth: $8.6 billion Fund Name: Soros Fund Management Country: Hungary
10. Paul Tudor Jones
When Paul Tudor Jones was just 26 years old, he launched his own successful company. It happened when he began trading cotton in global commodity pits, and since then, there has been no looking back for this financial wizard. He has been declared one-of-a-kind within elite-level investing circles with a winning game for over 28 years. His skills in the finance world have allowed him to become one of the most successful macro traders. His ability to key research, intelligence and hard work are what make him so knowledgeable about global events that affect stock markets worldwide.
Net Worth: $7.3 billion Fund Name: Tudor Investment Corporation Country: US
We have compiled a list of some of the most notable and accomplished investors based on their track records, wealth creation and other factors. If we were to generalize certain qualities that these top 10 investors of all time have in common, it would be their intelligence and passion. If you want to learn more about these legendary investors or get inspired to become one yourself, keep reading MoneyMint!