In this guide, we’ll show you what profile restricting does to an Instagram user and signs you’ve been restricted on Instagram. So, if you’re wondering if someone has restricted your Instagram account, read this guide to learn more.
What Does Restricting Someone on Instagram Do?
In a nutshell, restricting a user helps you to avoid unwanted interactions with them without letting them know about it. It gives you more control over what comments and interactions you and your followers see on your posts by controlling what restricted accounts can post on your account.
1 What Does Restricting Someone on Instagram Do?2 How to Know If You’re Restricted on Instagram2.1 Method #1: Use Another Account to Check If They Restricted You2.2 Method #2: Comment on That User’s Post2.3 Method #3: Send Them A Direct Message3 Final Thoughts
Compared to blocking an account—where users cannot see your account—restricted users can still view your profile but cannot normally interact with other regular users. In other words, it may act as an anti-bullying feature, where you can restrict trolls and online bullies that often leave hostile or harsh comments on your posts and can intentionally spam your Direct Messages or DMs.
How to Know If You’re Restricted on Instagram
Knowing if you’re restricted on Instagram is quite hard since you wouldn’t be notified about it in the first place. However, here are a few tricks to know if you’re restricted on Instagram. Try each method and check which is the most effective for your account.
Method #1: Use Another Account to Check If They Restricted You
One quick way to know if someone restricted you on Instagram is to use another Instagram account that’s not restricted and compare it to your account. However, it’s harder this way because a restricted account will be somehow similar to a regular account in terms of accessing a profile that has you restricted. But, if you cannot view the profile, that user has blocked you. Using another account is also recommended as a way How to View Instagram Stories Without Them Knowing.
Method #2: Comment on That User’s Post
Another trick you can do is to comment on a post that has restricted your account. Comments from restricted users can only be visible to you and not to other viewers. After leaving a comment, ask your friend if they can see your comment or use another account for the same purpose. If your friend cannot see your comment, there’s a high chance that you’re restricted on that account. Also, the user that has restricted you will see a restricted comment note instead of your actual comment. They can choose to See your comment or choose to Approve or Delete it.
Method #3: Send Them A Direct Message
If someone restricted you, you could still send them a Direct Message; however, it will appear in their Message Requests folder instead of the usual Messages folder. They also won’t notice it quickly since they won’t be notified unless they intentionally check their Message Requests folder. This also has the effect of turning off Seen on Instagram for your messages. If you’ve had a message history with that Instagram user, you can try checking their Activity Status. You should see a green dot with a timestamp next to their profile photo. If you don’t see any of those details, they may have restricted you. If you are interested in getting the most out of Instagram, then you may also want to read how to fix the Instagram 5xx Server Error.
Final Thoughts
Being restricted by someone on Instagram can be due to various reasons. Most of the time, you wouldn’t notice it right away, compared to being blocked or muted. Hopefully, this guide helps you to know if someone restricted you on Instagram.