Tumblr tips to get more followers instantly. Recently people started asking me this question, and I’ve spent good amount of time on writing this detailed posts just for you. I have compiled the best tips on increasing your Tumblr followers without sweating much. So read it thoroughly and make sure to follow some of the tips to get more traffic and followers on Tumblr.

What is Tumblr?

Tumblr is a microblogging platform (just like Twitter) and founded by David Karp, Tumblr is owned by Yahoo! Inc. Tumblr allows you to post multimedia (video, audio, infographics etc) to a short-form blog. In simple words, Tumblr is an image blogging site where people post interesting or selfie images to get more followers, likes or comments. Why use Tumblr? With over 50 million visitors going to Tumblr each and every single month, you would be silly not to leverage Tumblr traffic. But the question is, how do you get more traffic from Tumblr? There’s a simple way to get more Tumblr traffic and that is to get more followers on Tumblr. Sounds simple, right? No, it’s not. Getting more Tumblr followers quickly is not an easy task especially if you are new to Tumblr. So now that you know a few things, now let’s jump into the details on getting more Tumblr followers without much ado.

The posting limit on Tumblr blogs. You can post or reblog no more than 250 posts a day. And only 75 of them can be photos. You can post the remaining as textual format contents. You can only friend between 250-300 people on Tumblr in a day, you can’t exceed this limit. So make sure NOT to go aggressive in following others in order to get more followers on Tumblr.

How to get more followers on Tumblr even if you are a newbie?

Most people say “it’s all about the quality, not quantity” in getting more followers be it in on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook or any other social networking platform. But you need to get more followers at least on one network to boost your online reach, without having more social followers, you can’t make your posts go viral or create a thriving network online. So here are few tips to get more Tumblr followers. Always remember one thing that no one follows you unless you are popular or pretty. So it’s your responsibility to get more online visibility on Tumblr by following as many people as you can to grow your Tumblr follower count.

Follow the top people in your industry (on Tumblr) Follow back whoever follows you Follow whoever comments on your Tumblr posts Follow whoever reblogs your stuff Follow interesting people (though they don’t have much followers) Follow “follow back” people (there are a lot of people who follows you if you follow them)

Most people what they do on Tumblr is, just post some random pictures and write some crazy tags and just leave it to their own fortune. It doesn’t work that way if you want to quickly grow your Tumblr followers. You need to get more exposure and you have to get into other people’s radar to boost your Tumblr followers count. What else would be the best way to get more online attention than leaving nice and thoughtful comments on others Tumbler posts? So start spending quality time on commenting on other Tumblr blogs with your URL’s. Pro tip: There’s an advantage of using Tumblr, you can change your URL’s as many times as you want without getting badly affected by the search engine crawlers. But don’t change your Tumblr blog URL’s too often. Make sure to create a brand for yourself, come up with a great domain Tumblr name and stick to it. So that you won’t any get bad results if you use commenting strategy as a part of increasing your Tumblr followers. Make sure to think in creative ways to make your own pictures. After all, originality and creativity makes a lot of difference in getting more Tumblr followers quickly. Also remember to reblog images or GIF files whenever you browse through interesting stuff on other Tumblr blogs. You need to create a one stop website for everyone to browse your Tumblr site images and information. Yes, it’s true that, TIMING is the key to get most out of Tumblr. According to Union Metrics, the best times to post on Tumblr is between 5 pm to 1 am where most of the Tumblr users are active (EST time standard). Whenever you are posting something new and interesting stuff on your Tumblr blogs, make sure to post it at perfect times to reach more audience. Learn: When is the best time to post on Social Media sites? Posting at right time = More online reach = More Tumblr followers By default, Tumblr allows you to have your posts automatically shared on Facebook, Twitter etc. without having to install any additional plugins. If you are giving your blog visitors easy options to share your images, GIF files etc. on social media, they would be happy to share your stuff. The more they share, the more your posts go viral and get you more Tumblr followers instantly. So focus on getting more social shares on your Tumblr posts. Whenever you post something on Tumblr, at the end of post, ask your visitors or readers to share on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. They will definitely share if they like your Tumblr posts or images. Great blog designs last longer. Once you invest some money on making your Tumblr blog design look appealing, you will see the results in no time be it in terms of traffic, shares or more Tumblr followers. There are thousands of free themes available in Tumblr directory, but if you can spend $50 on your design, you will get good looking premium themes that make your Tumblr design unique. Good design surely brings you more Tumblr followers, never use a free theme or mediocre theme. How to get more Tumblr followers without being fishy? Increase your Tumblr engagement. The more you engage with the people who share, comment and reblog on your Tumblr posts, the more viral your posts go viral and you will quickly get more followers every day. Promotion is the key to get more Tumblr followers, without promoting and getting more online reach, you are not going anywhere. Most new Tumblr users don’t focus much on promoting their Tumblr posts, they simply post some pictures and forget. If you want more followers, then do these following things. When do you get more followers on Tumblr?

When you share new stuff? When you reblog great stuff by others? When you leave more comments? When someone mentions your posts or shares your stuff? When you properly use tags?

By analyzing this simple practice, you are helping yourself to get instant followers on Tumblr. By knowing when someone follows you, you can spend more time on particular tasks to grow your Tumblr followers. It’s as simple as that. Browse more Blogging Resources:


Getting more followers on Tumblr is not a rocket science, but it’s some kind of art that you need to be good at. All you need to do is to analyze who follows you and you also need to practice few skills like following others, commenting and posting interesting pictures and GIF files to grow your Tumblr followers. Make sure to post your pictures or random stuff on your Tumblr blogs at specific times to get more reach and followers. If you post at wrong times, there’s no use even if you have posting epic stuff on your blog, timing is the key. Post your pictures between 5 pm to 1 am to get more followers notice your stuff on Tumblr. “Follow for follow” is one of the easiest ways to increase your Tumblr followers, but don’t be just fishy and never follow anonymous people on Tumblr just for the sake of increasing your followers count. It won’t give you any good results in the long run, follow people who have the same interests. Spread your name out there by reblogging, whenever you like something witty, reblog it or comment on it. Don’t just waste your time by solely focusing on your stuff, go out there and reach other blogs to increase your online reach on Tumblr. If you are new to Tumblr and thinking to increase your Tumblr followers, by following any of the above few tips will work. If you still have any questions, please discuss them in the comments and I’d be glad to reply. Over to you: Do you have any more Tumblr tips to get more followers? Please share them in the comments below.

title: “How To Get More Followers On Tumblr 8 Proven Ways” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-15” author: “Francis Bland”

Tumblr tips to get more followers instantly. Recently people started asking me this question, and I’ve spent good amount of time on writing this detailed posts just for you. I have compiled the best tips on increasing your Tumblr followers without sweating much. So read it thoroughly and make sure to follow some of the tips to get more traffic and followers on Tumblr.

What is Tumblr?

Tumblr is a microblogging platform (just like Twitter) and founded by David Karp, Tumblr is owned by Yahoo! Inc. Tumblr allows you to post multimedia (video, audio, infographics etc) to a short-form blog. In simple words, Tumblr is an image blogging site where people post interesting or selfie images to get more followers, likes or comments. Why use Tumblr? With over 50 million visitors going to Tumblr each and every single month, you would be silly not to leverage Tumblr traffic. But the question is, how do you get more traffic from Tumblr? There’s a simple way to get more Tumblr traffic and that is to get more followers on Tumblr. Sounds simple, right? No, it’s not. Getting more Tumblr followers quickly is not an easy task especially if you are new to Tumblr. So now that you know a few things, now let’s jump into the details on getting more Tumblr followers without much ado.

The posting limit on Tumblr blogs. You can post or reblog no more than 250 posts a day. And only 75 of them can be photos. You can post the remaining as textual format contents. You can only friend between 250-300 people on Tumblr in a day, you can’t exceed this limit. So make sure NOT to go aggressive in following others in order to get more followers on Tumblr.

How to get more followers on Tumblr even if you are a newbie?

Most people say “it’s all about the quality, not quantity” in getting more followers be it in on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook or any other social networking platform. But you need to get more followers at least on one network to boost your online reach, without having more social followers, you can’t make your posts go viral or create a thriving network online. So here are few tips to get more Tumblr followers. Always remember one thing that no one follows you unless you are popular or pretty. So it’s your responsibility to get more online visibility on Tumblr by following as many people as you can to grow your Tumblr follower count.

Follow the top people in your industry (on Tumblr) Follow back whoever follows you Follow whoever comments on your Tumblr posts Follow whoever reblogs your stuff Follow interesting people (though they don’t have much followers) Follow “follow back” people (there are a lot of people who follows you if you follow them)

Most people what they do on Tumblr is, just post some random pictures and write some crazy tags and just leave it to their own fortune. It doesn’t work that way if you want to quickly grow your Tumblr followers. You need to get more exposure and you have to get into other people’s radar to boost your Tumblr followers count. What else would be the best way to get more online attention than leaving nice and thoughtful comments on others Tumbler posts? So start spending quality time on commenting on other Tumblr blogs with your URL’s. Pro tip: There’s an advantage of using Tumblr, you can change your URL’s as many times as you want without getting badly affected by the search engine crawlers. But don’t change your Tumblr blog URL’s too often. Make sure to create a brand for yourself, come up with a great domain Tumblr name and stick to it. So that you won’t any get bad results if you use commenting strategy as a part of increasing your Tumblr followers. Make sure to think in creative ways to make your own pictures. After all, originality and creativity makes a lot of difference in getting more Tumblr followers quickly. Also remember to reblog images or GIF files whenever you browse through interesting stuff on other Tumblr blogs. You need to create a one stop website for everyone to browse your Tumblr site images and information. Yes, it’s true that, TIMING is the key to get most out of Tumblr. According to Union Metrics, the best times to post on Tumblr is between 5 pm to 1 am where most of the Tumblr users are active (EST time standard). Whenever you are posting something new and interesting stuff on your Tumblr blogs, make sure to post it at perfect times to reach more audience. Learn: When is the best time to post on Social Media sites? Posting at right time = More online reach = More Tumblr followers By default, Tumblr allows you to have your posts automatically shared on Facebook, Twitter etc. without having to install any additional plugins. If you are giving your blog visitors easy options to share your images, GIF files etc. on social media, they would be happy to share your stuff. The more they share, the more your posts go viral and get you more Tumblr followers instantly. So focus on getting more social shares on your Tumblr posts. Whenever you post something on Tumblr, at the end of post, ask your visitors or readers to share on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. They will definitely share if they like your Tumblr posts or images. Great blog designs last longer. Once you invest some money on making your Tumblr blog design look appealing, you will see the results in no time be it in terms of traffic, shares or more Tumblr followers. There are thousands of free themes available in Tumblr directory, but if you can spend $50 on your design, you will get good looking premium themes that make your Tumblr design unique. Good design surely brings you more Tumblr followers, never use a free theme or mediocre theme. How to get more Tumblr followers without being fishy? Increase your Tumblr engagement. The more you engage with the people who share, comment and reblog on your Tumblr posts, the more viral your posts go viral and you will quickly get more followers every day. Promotion is the key to get more Tumblr followers, without promoting and getting more online reach, you are not going anywhere. Most new Tumblr users don’t focus much on promoting their Tumblr posts, they simply post some pictures and forget. If you want more followers, then do these following things. When do you get more followers on Tumblr?

When you share new stuff? When you reblog great stuff by others? When you leave more comments? When someone mentions your posts or shares your stuff? When you properly use tags?

By analyzing this simple practice, you are helping yourself to get instant followers on Tumblr. By knowing when someone follows you, you can spend more time on particular tasks to grow your Tumblr followers. It’s as simple as that. Browse more Blogging Resources:


Getting more followers on Tumblr is not a rocket science, but it’s some kind of art that you need to be good at. All you need to do is to analyze who follows you and you also need to practice few skills like following others, commenting and posting interesting pictures and GIF files to grow your Tumblr followers. Make sure to post your pictures or random stuff on your Tumblr blogs at specific times to get more reach and followers. If you post at wrong times, there’s no use even if you have posting epic stuff on your blog, timing is the key. Post your pictures between 5 pm to 1 am to get more followers notice your stuff on Tumblr. “Follow for follow” is one of the easiest ways to increase your Tumblr followers, but don’t be just fishy and never follow anonymous people on Tumblr just for the sake of increasing your followers count. It won’t give you any good results in the long run, follow people who have the same interests. Spread your name out there by reblogging, whenever you like something witty, reblog it or comment on it. Don’t just waste your time by solely focusing on your stuff, go out there and reach other blogs to increase your online reach on Tumblr. If you are new to Tumblr and thinking to increase your Tumblr followers, by following any of the above few tips will work. If you still have any questions, please discuss them in the comments and I’d be glad to reply. Over to you: Do you have any more Tumblr tips to get more followers? Please share them in the comments below.